Published on January 30, 2005 By sparkytheduck In Life Journals
I do.
So sick in fact, that I tend to have little fits and go around deleting all my posts. I have little patience it seems, or maybe I just lack self discipline. On my other blogsite, I once was something of a celebrity. Ranking in the top ten for every category I wrote in, and in the top five for two of those.

I was witty, entertaining, and well liked among my fellow writers there. I have little taste for politics, and less for current events, so it was rare that I became engaged in conflict with other writers. When I did express an opinion, I took great pains to be diplomatic, and made it clear that I beleived everyone was entitled to their own views.

Now, it seems that I have nothing witty to impart to my audience. My personal situation offers little in the way of hilarity or even simple irony. My views are very "inside the box", and the harsh bright light of reality is safely on the outside of it.

I feel very alone in my little world these days. Not that there is no-one around, I have my son who is nearing two in both days and attitude, there's the cat, who does not realise she is a cat and insists on eating mashed bananas and sleeps in the crib. There's the ex... who comes around only when I make him, and still treats me like crap (although he can't fathom why I left)... Dad lives downstairs with the wicked stepmother, and my baby sister.

My best friend, her hubby and their baby girl live just down the street. We alternate, from spending so much time together that we start getting annoyed, to not talking at all for two weeks. She babysits for me sometimes, so I can go to the doctor, or run errands. She spoils her baby, and it makes me nuts. It's hard to "spoil" a baby, but this little one is so completely codependant, that her mom sometimes has to bring her into the bathroom with her. GAH! Someone needs to Nanny 911 her ass. But hey, not my problem.

on Jan 30, 2005
Sounds to me that you have alot to write about...tell us about your life..sounds interesting.