There's sh*t EVERYWHERE!
Published on April 18, 2004 By sparkytheduck In Blogging
Passive Agressive exchange is a daily part of life in every relationship.
You do (or dont do) things that irritate the other, sometimes without even realising that's your intent. Subconciously, it's all about control. The problem is, tit for tat, it always comes back to bite you in the ass.

He won't put his dishes in the dishwasher, I got a cat.
He won't put his laundry in the hamper, I wash his underwear last, even if it's 3 days after I started.
He won't defend me against his mother, I stole her dog.

I don't like housework, he adds to the mess and tells people I'm a slob.
I don't cook for him every night, he takes the last of the coffee whitener in the morning.
I gain weight, he downloads porn.

It's a given he can piss farther than me, but I know his e-mail password.


on Apr 20, 2004
c'mon dude, make love, not war....
on Apr 21, 2004
Hello darlin' you're right as usual! Wait? I happen to know you're not married... hmm, this changes things....
on Apr 21, 2004
I am soooo married (to my work). hmmm...