I'll start with storebought eggs. Perfect shape, perfect texture, perfect color. The yolks are the same size and color, and these eggs come from genetically engineered "chickens". Yum! These chickens are fed genetically engineered soy. I call them SoyChickens. You are what you eat! There is no more egg in these "eggs" than there is in dirt. They don't taste like anything anymore. The chickens are SOYturated. Yes, I agree that soy is an excellent source of protein, but it's not fit to repl...
First of all, IMO, Writer's Block is the Bogeyman. Doesn't exist. Problem is, most people can't get it out of their heads. Sleeping with the closet door locked til you're 40 is not the solution. Now, I'm no novelist, I have no deadlines to meet, and I don't rely on my writing to provide income. So you're welcome to tell me to take my opinion and stuff it. I don't mind. What I do though, is write every day. Whether I want to or not. Even if I have nothing to write about. One of my Blogit...
Passive Agressive exchange is a daily part of life in every relationship. You do (or dont do) things that irritate the other, sometimes without even realising that's your intent. Subconciously, it's all about control. The problem is, tit for tat, it always comes back to bite you in the ass. He won't put his dishes in the dishwasher, I got a cat. He won't put his laundry in the hamper, I wash his underwear last, even if it's 3 days after I started. He won't defend me against his mother...
Couldn't resist. While googling for Heidi Fleiss (just watched the movie..not bad...), I came upon an article in Rotten's library. My morbid aversion to a decent night's sleep compelled me to poke around. I found the post mortem gallery of the Hussein bros. That was harsh. I only went to Rotten once before. I saw the pic of buddy who did a faceplant off his motorcycle with no helmet, the guy who stewed in his bathtub, and some other things I've probably blocked out. Someone posted a pic from...